Some young people engage in risky behaviours that affect their health and therefore the majority of health problems are psychosocial. Many young people experience multiple problems. These behaviours are established as a young person and go on to become the lifestyles of adults leading to chronic health problems. Social, cultural and environmental factors are all important (Chown et al. 2004). Young people have specific health problems and developmental needs that differ from those of children or adults: The causes of ill-health in adolescents are mostly psychosocial rather biological. Young people often engage in health risk behaviours that reflect the processes of adolescent development: experimentation and exploration, including using drugs and alcohol, sexual behaviour, and other risk taking that affect their physical and mental health (AIHW, 2007). The leading health related problems in the age group 12 -- 24 years are (AIHW, 2007): Accidents and injuries both unintentional and self-injury Mental health problems including depression and suicide Behavioural problems including substance abuse Sexual health / Infectious diseases Nutrition and physical activity Chronic illness Physical and Sexual Assault Youth homelessness Young people often lack awareness of the harm associated with risk behaviours, and the skills to protect themselves as well as the lack knowledge about how and where to seek help for their health concerns (Chown et al., 2004). By intervening at this <b>...</b> Длительность: 14:34
Скриншоты к видео Why Do Young People Experiment with Drugs? Sociology Documentary Film (1971)
Смотрите любимые передачи не выходя из: Андрей Губин: жизнь после сцены Андрей Губин -- один из самых известных певцов 90-х. Любая его песня становилась хитом и была слышна из всех приемников страны. Ему не давали пройти по улице, а после концерта поклонницы носили его автомобиль на руках. Но уже 10 лет Андрей Губин не выходит на большую сцену и полностью исчез из поля зрения своих поклонников и знакомых. Куда он пропал и что с ним происходит, точно не знал никто. Газеты писали, что Губин спился, коллеги говорили, что попал в психушку, а российские туристы утверждали, что видели певца в Таиланде в одежде буддистского монаха. Единственное, что известно об артисте, что совсем недавно он написал суперхит для Жанны Фриске. Так что же случилось со звездой эстрады и где он сейчас? Программа "Пусть говорят" выяснила это. Андрей Губин рассказал всю правду о жизни вне сцены и ответил на все вопросы. Длительность: 52:07
Скриншоты к видео Пусть говорят 26.10.2012 Андрей Губин: жизнь после сцены
Google Translate with interpretation. I enjoy translating these songs, in part, to watch the message unfold. It's like a curious little puzzle unfolding itself. I very much enjoyed unfolding this "little puzzle". I didn't translate "да" (da) to "yes" or "yeah", it just didn't seem appropriate. The chord changes in the da, da, da parts are sweet. Take it from an "old timer" this song is "spot-on"! Enjoy! Длительность: 4:08
Скриншоты к видео Zhanna Friske - Forever! / Жанна Фриске - Навсегда! (lyrics & translation)
1st Lt. Robert Shirkey: The base assistant operations officer. Shirkey also witnessed debris being loaded onto the B-29. "...Standing only three feet from the passing procession, we saw boxes full of aluminum-looking metal pieces being carried to the B-29. Major Marcel came along carrying an open box full of what seemed to be scrap metal. It obviously was not aluminum: it did not shine nor reflect like the aluminum on American military airplanes. And sticking up in one corner of the box being carried by Major Marcel was a small 'I-beam' with hieroglyphic-like markings on the inner flange, in some kind of weird color, not black, not purple, but a close approximation of the two. ...A man in civilian dress... was carrying a piece of metal under his left arm... This piece was about the size of a poster drawing board—very smooth, almost glass-like, with torn edges." Lt. Robert Shirkey: "Standing only three feet from the passing procession, we saw boxes full of aluminum-looking metal pieces being carried to the B-29. ...sticking up in one corner of the box carried by Major Marcel was a small 'I-beam' with hieroglyphic-like markings on the inner flange, in some kind of weird color, not black, not purple, but a close approximation of the two." "I could see the hieroglyphs clearly, the signs were in relief and stood out." Shirkey said there were other flights, another to Fort Worth, and a B-29 flight directly to Wright Field piloted by Henderson. He also said that he later learned <b>...</b> Длительность: 92:11
Скриншоты к видео Roswell Incident: Department of Defense Interviews - Robert Shirkey / Walter Haut
Google Translate with interpretation. A flirty little song by Zhanna Friske... "Zhanna Friske". Perhaps her signature song? A song with a lot of energy and a great beat. You may find this a little funny but... this is a good song to listen to on a roller coaster. The slow lead-in is perfect for the slow climb to the top, and then off you go. But then the song is about that part of life that can be a bit like a roller coaster ride. Длительность: 3:40
Скриншоты к видео Zhanna Friske - "Zhanna Friske" / "Жанна Фриске" (lyrics & translation)
Psychiatric hospitals, also known as mental hospitals, are hospitals specializing in the treatment of serious mental disorders. Psychiatric hospitals vary widely in their size and grading. Some hospitals may specialise only in short-term or outpatient therapy for low-risk patients. Others may specialise in the temporary or permanent care of residents who, as a result of a psychological disorder, require routine assistance, treatment, or a specialised and controlled environment. Patients are often admitted on a voluntary basis, but involuntary commitment is practiced when an individual may pose a significant danger to themselves or others.[1] Modern psychiatric hospitals evolved from, and eventually replaced the older lunatic asylums. The development of the modern psychiatric hospital is also the story of the rise of organised, institutional psychiatry. While there were earlier institutions that housed the "insane" the arrival of institutionalisation as a solution to the problem of madness was very much an event of the nineteenth century. To illustrate this with one regional example, in England at the beginning of the nineteenth century there were, perhaps, a few thousand "lunatics" housed in a variety of disparate institutions but by 1900 that figure had grown to about 100000. That this growth coincided with the growth of alienism, later known as psychiatry, as a medical specialism is not coincidental.[2] The treatment of inmates in early lunatic asylums was sometimes <b>...</b> Длительность: 19:58
Скриншоты к видео Mental Disorders, Illness, Health: Psychiatric Hospitals in 1950s America
In the Western world, social progressive values that began in the 1960s, such as increasing political awareness and political and economic liberty of women, continued to grow. The hippie culture, which started in the latter half of the 1960s, waned by the early 1970s and faded towards the middle part of the decade, which involved opposition to the Vietnam War, opposition to nuclear weapons, the advocacy of world peace, and hostility to the authority of government and big business. The environmentalist movement began to increase dramatically in this period. Novelist Tom Wolfe coined the term Me decade in his article "The "Me" Decade and the Third Great Awakening", published by New York magazine in August 1976 referring to the 1970s. The term describes a general new attitude of Americans towards atomized individualism and away from communitarianism in clear contrast with the 1960s. Wolfe attributes disappearance of the "proletariat" with the appearance of the "lower middle class", citing the economic boom of Post-War America as affording the average American a sort of self determination and individuation that ran alongside economic prosperity. Wolfe describes this abandoning of communal, left, and New Deal politics as "taking the money and running." He traces the preoccupation with one's self back to the aristocrat. The nature of the "chivalric tradition" and the philosophy behind "the finishing school" are inherently dedicated to the building and forming of personal <b>...</b> Длительность: 75:50
Скриншоты к видео 1970s American Culture Sociology Documentary Films: Health, Education, Fashion, Drug Use
Многим людям, особенно женщинам, хочется чувствовать себя по-особенному. Выбрать свой стиль поведения, который отличал бы ее от других. Это состояние души, чувство наполненности и счастья. Для того, чтобы быть сексуальной, совсем не обязательно носить мини-юбки и шпильки. Важно создать внутри себя эту атмосферу. А именно, повторять себе: «Да, я нахожу себя обаятельной и привлекательной все 24 часа в сутки!» И не важно, сколько имеется поклонников 3 или 33. Важно быть уверенным в своей неотразимости на все 100. Как такой стать? Для того, чтобы развить в себе сексуальную харизму, необходимо, прежде всего, научиться более чем благосклонно относиться к собственной внешности и стараться дать своим сексуальным желаниям реализоваться. Почему складывается впечатление, что Скарлетт Йоханссон или Жанна Фриске обладают именно сексуальным типом харизмы? Они не стесняются своего тела, притом, что не обладают параметрами топ-моделей, носят подчеркивающую их формы женственную одежду и... окружены вниманием мужчин. Чтобы прослыть сексуальной, достаточно всего-навсего позволять представителям противоположного пола за вами ухаживать. Есть еще одно качество, которое вам очень пригодится, - загадочность. Чрезмерная открытость и откровенность могут привести к тому, что вы станете понятной и прогнозируемой, а это несколько притупит интерес мужчин. Поэтому, если хотите окружить себя поклонниками, учитесь быть таинственной: молчите и многозначительно улыбайтесь. Будьте желанны! Длительность: 2:15
Скриншоты к видео Школа секса: Как стать сексуальной?