Julius Henry "Groucho" Marx (October 2, 1890 -- August 19, 1977) was an American comedian and film and television star. He is known as a master of quick wit and widely considered one of the best comedians of the modern era. His rapid-fire, often impromptu delivery of innuendo-laden patter earned him many admirers and imitators. He made 13 feature films with his siblings the Marx Brothers, of whom he was the third-born. He also had a successful solo career, most notably as the host of the radio and television game show You Bet Your Life. His distinctive appearance, carried over from his days in vaudeville, included quirks such as an exaggerated stooped posture, glasses, cigar, and a thick greasepaint mustache and eyebrows. These exaggerated features resulted in the creation of one of the world's most ubiquitous and recognizable novelty disguises, known as "Groucho glasses", a one-piece mask consisting of horn-rimmed glasses, large plastic nose, bushy eyebrows and mustache. Groucho Marx was, and is, the most recognizable and well-known of the Marx Brothers. Groucho-like characters and references have appeared in popular culture both during and after his life, some aimed at audiences who may never have seen a Marx Brothers movie. Groucho's trademark eye glasses, nose, mustache, and cigar have become icons of comedy—glasses with fake noses and mustaches (referred to as "Groucho glasses", "nose-glasses," and other names) are sold by novelty and costume shops around the world <b>...</b> Длительность: 88:14
Скриншоты к видео You Bet Your Life: Secret Word - Face / Sign / Chair
www.facebook.com Portofino is located in the western Gulf of Tigullio the bottom of a creek south-east of the promontory of Portofino 36 km from Genoa. Portofino is inside the Regional Natural Park of Portofino with six other municipalities. According to Pliny the Elder, Portofino was founded by the Romans and named Portus Delphini because of the large number of dolphins in the Gulf of Tigullio. During the Middle Ages, the natural harbor of Portofino was a refuge for the merchant marine of the Republic of Genoa. The Congress of Vienna (1815) attributed the municipality (and the Republic of Genoa) the Kingdom of Sardinia. Portofino is located in the western Gulf of Tigullio the bottom of a creek south-east of the promontory of Portofino 36 km from. Portofino est situ Длительность: 2:05
Скриншоты к видео My love in Portofino, Cruise Portofino 2012, Portofino Italy - Dj Alex Matana,Loreen Euphoria
От мышц этого качка пульс сразу нескольких красоток российского шоу-бизнеса участился! Сначала он покорил сексапильную Анну Седокову, которая долго переживала из-за холодного сердца репера. На смену ей пришла Юля Савичева и очаровала парня так, что тот ну никак не хотел отпускать её. Потом на красавчика клюнула Жанна Фриске и пообещала быть с ним рядом всегда! 23 апреля в прямом эфире телеканала RU.TV Джиган! Ты сможешь узнать, когда он перестанет размахивать кулаками и почему свой карнавал репер устроил в ботаническом саду, а не на Кубе. Начало в 14:00! Длительность: 18:28
Скриншоты к видео Джиган - "Стол заказов" (23.04.12)
Жанна Фриске и Марина Бейсеханова с песней "А На Море Белый Песок" 10.12.2011 г. Оригинальный исполнитель - Жанна Фриске На сайте:tv7.kz Мой мир: my.mail.ru Facebook: www.facebook.com Вконтакте: vkontakte.ru Twitter: twitter.com Длительность: 4:20
Скриншоты к видео Жанна Фриске и Марина - А на море белый песок
Part 01 - (Chs 01-04). Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark F. Smith. Playlist for The Man in the Iron Mask by Alexandre Dumas: www.youtube.com The Man in the Iron Mask free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org The Man in the Iron Mask free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org The Man in the Iron Mask at Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com Длительность: 126:17
Скриншоты к видео Part 01 - The Man in the Iron Mask Audiobook by Alexandre Dumas (Chs 01-04)
Part 04 - (Ch 07). Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark F. Smith. Playlist for Sons and Lovers by DH Lawrence: www.youtube.com Sons and Lovers free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org Sons and Lovers free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org Sons and Lovers at Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com Длительность: 102:59
Скриншоты к видео Part 04 - Sons and Lovers Audiobook by DH Lawrence (Ch 07)
Chapter 12. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Gary W. Sherwin. Playlist for The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper: www.youtube.com The Last of the Mohicans free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org The Last of the Mohicans free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org The Last of the Mohicans at Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com Длительность: 39:47
Скриншоты к видео Chapter 12 - The Last of the Mohicans by James Fenimore Cooper
Chapter 4: April's Lady. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Karen Savage. Playlist for Anne of the Island by Lucy Maud Montgomery: www.youtube.com Anne of the Island free audiobook at Librivox: librivox.org Anne of the Island free eBook at Project Gutenberg: www.gutenberg.org Anne of the Island at Wikipedia: en.wikipedia.org View a list of all our videobooks: www.ccprose.com Длительность: 21:07
Скриншоты к видео Chapter 04 - Anne of the Island by Lucy Maud Montgomery
A turkey, doing a Jimmy Durante impersonation, outwits a pilgrim as he tries to avoid becoming Thanksgiving dinner. Producer: Tex Avery Producer: Fred Quimby Translate this cartoon: universalsubtitles.org Playlist for Classic Cartoons: www.youtube.com Длительность: 7:30