Не пропусти! Грандиозный open-air этой осени - лучшие из лучших соберутся на одной сцене, чтобы исполнить полюбившиеся всем хиты: Дима Билан, Сергей Лазарев, Анна Семенович, Жанна Фриске, Нюша, «Винтаж», Dj Smash, «Дискотека Авария», Ева Польна, Юля Волкова, Макс Барских, Тимур Родригез, «Чи-ли», Юля Ковальчук, «Нервы», «Блестящие», и другие звезды. Ведущие - обворожительная Лера Кудрявцева и артистичный Вячеслав Манучаров. Длительность: 3:15
Скриншоты к видео Город 312 - Невероятный день ("Дискотека МУЗа")
Psychiatric hospitals, also known as mental hospitals, are hospitals specializing in the treatment of serious mental disorders. Psychiatric hospitals vary widely in their size and grading. Some hospitals may specialise only in short-term or outpatient therapy for low-risk patients. Others may specialise in the temporary or permanent care of residents who, as a result of a psychological disorder, require routine assistance, treatment, or a specialised and controlled environment. Patients are often admitted on a voluntary basis, but involuntary commitment is practiced when an individual may pose a significant danger to themselves or others.[1] Modern psychiatric hospitals evolved from, and eventually replaced the older lunatic asylums. The development of the modern psychiatric hospital is also the story of the rise of organised, institutional psychiatry. While there were earlier institutions that housed the "insane" the arrival of institutionalisation as a solution to the problem of madness was very much an event of the nineteenth century. To illustrate this with one regional example, in England at the beginning of the nineteenth century there were, perhaps, a few thousand "lunatics" housed in a variety of disparate institutions but by 1900 that figure had grown to about 100000. That this growth coincided with the growth of alienism, later known as psychiatry, as a medical specialism is not coincidental.[2] The treatment of inmates in early lunatic asylums was sometimes <b>...</b> Длительность: 19:58
Скриншоты к видео Mental Disorders, Illness, Health: Psychiatric Hospitals in 1950s America
Позитивное видео с Турецкого побережья. Видеоклип, снятый на композицию Дискотеки Аварии и Жанны Фриски - Малинки. Ролик про отдых в клубном отеле "Turan Prince World". Нравится ВСЕМ! Длительность: 7:24
Скриншоты к видео Турецкие Малинки - Turan Prince World