My Favorite Husband is the name of an American radio program and network television series. The original radio show, co-starring Lucille Ball, was the initial basis for what evolved into the groundbreaking TV sitcom I Love Lucy. The series was based on the novels Mr. and Mrs. Cugat, the Record of a Happy Marriage (1940) and Outside Eden (1945) written by Isabel Scott Rorick, which had previously been adapted into the Paramount Pictures feature film Are Husbands Necessary? (1942), co-starring Ray Milland and Betty Field. Liz Cooper, played by Lucille Ball; happily married housewife George Cooper, played by Richard Denning; Liz's husband, works for Mr. Atterbury Mr. Rudolph Atterbury, played by Gale Gordon; George's boss, friend of the Cooper family, refers to male acquaintances as "boy", as in "George-Boy" Mrs. Iris Atterbury, played by Bea Benaderet; wife of Rudolph and friend of the Cooper family, refers to female acquaintances as "girl", as in "Liz-Girl". Katy, played by Ruth Perrott; the Cooper's maid, presumably enjoys making Jell-O. Mrs. Leticia Cooper, played first by Benaderet and in subsequent episodes by Eleanor Audley; George's aristocratic mother, who typically looks down on Liz. Gale Gordon and Bea Benaderet were both given first consideration for the roles that would become Fred and Ethel Mertz on "I Love Lucy", but both had contract conflicts that forced them to turn down the roles. Lucille D Длительность: 57:25
Скриншоты к видео My Favorite Husband: The Surprise Party / Iris and Liz's Easter
Приглашаем Вас на удивительную новогоднюю сказку в формате 4D! СК "Олимпийский", 29 декабря 2011- 8 января 2012 г. Подробная информация - на сайте проекта Длительность: 1:21
Скриншоты к видео Рыжий Ник и звезды_часть2 (Алсу, Фриске, Утяшева)
Chapter 11: For Once I Was The Hero. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark F. Smith. Playlist for The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Lost World free audiobook at Librivox: The Lost World free eBook at Project Gutenberg: The Lost World at Wikipedia: View a list of all our videobooks: Длительность: 36:52
Скриншоты к видео Chapter 11 - The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
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Скриншоты к видео striptease of shadows(стриптиз теней) 30.wmv