The 2012 State of the Union Address was a speech given by President Barack Obama, from 9 pm to 10:17 pm EST on Tuesday, January 24, 2012. In addition to Giffords, other notable guests were invited at the behest of either the White House or the Republican leadership: Mark Kelly, astronaut and husband of Giffords (invited by Michelle Obama) Laurene Powell Jobs, the widow of Apple Inc. former CEO Steve Jobs (invited by Michelle Obama) Mike Krieger, co-founder of Instagram (invited by Michelle Obama) Debbie Bosanek, secretary to Warren Buffett (invited by Michelle Obama) Julian Castro, mayor of San Antonio, Texas (invited by Michelle Obama) Navy Adm. William McRaven, United States Special Operations Command (invited by Michelle Obama) Air Force Col. Ginger Wallace, participated in multiple combat and rescue/recovery missions; her female partner was able to attend her promotion ceremony following the repeal of Don't ask, don't tell. (invited by Michelle Obama) Dale Delie, President of Welspun Tubular LLC, a subsidiary of Welspun Corp. Ltd, located in Little Rock, Arkansas (invited by Boehner) Sen. Chris Langemeier of the Nebraska State Legislature (invited by Boehner) During his state of the Union Address President Obama mentioned the completed US withdrawal from Iraq, the return of some US troops from Afghanistan and the accomplishments against the Taliban and al-Qaeda including the deaths of Osama bin Laden and Anwar al-Awlaki. Obama underscored Americas <b>...</b> Длительность: 65:02
Скриншоты к видео State of the Union Address: Speech by President Barack Obama (2012)
«Детская Новая волна-2011»/New Wave Junior-2011 в «Артеке». Украина. В сюжете: Филипп Киркоров и Анастасия Петрик; Жанна Фриске, Тимати, Валерия, Сергей Лазарев, Ани Лорак, Игорь Крутой, Алсу, Ирина Дубцова, Борис Моисеев, группа «Наоми»/ Naomi Длительность: 4:34
Скриншоты к видео «Детская Новая волна-2011» в «Артеке» 20-22.08.2011 года
Chapter 10: The Most Wonderful Things Have Happened. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Mark F. Smith. Playlist for The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle: The Lost World free audiobook at Librivox: The Lost World free eBook at Project Gutenberg: The Lost World at Wikipedia: View a list of all our videobooks: Длительность: 32:06
Скриншоты к видео Chapter 10 - The Lost World by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
Slideshow video of Russian ladies with the music of Zhanna Friske. For much better version, goto Vuze by "Azureus." Search for Zhanna; allow mature content to be displayed. Длительность: 3:34