"Too Little Too Late" written by: Billy Steinberg Josh Alexander Ruth-Anne Cunningham performed by :Karyna Verba musicians: Maximilian Bahr (Guitar) Gena Wernik (Synth Bass & Keys) Jan Trojanowski (Drums & Cajon) camera: Nino Zuunami Torsten Fischer Длительность: 4:02
Скриншоты к видео Karyna Verba - Too Little Too Late (JoJo) Cover
Prelude - The Wayside Inn. Classic Literature VideoBook with synchronized text, interactive transcript, and closed captions in multiple languages. Audio courtesy of Librivox. Read by Peter Yearsley. Playlist for: Tales of a Wayside Inn by Henry Wadsworth Longfellow: www.youtube.com Длительность: 13:56
Скриншоты к видео 01 - Tales of a Wayside Inn - Prelude: The Wayside Inn
Zhanna Belskaya interview for Polimoda Youtube Channel Florence 2012 Question: 1. What course did you attend at Polimoda? 2. When did you qualify? 3. What are you doing now? /What is your position in the company? 4. Why did you choose Polimoda? 5. What particular strength did you acquire at Polimoda? 6. How important is training in the sector you work in? 7. Polimoda is located in one of the best-loved art cities in the world: what are the lasting impressions of your stay in Florence? What do you think are the plus features of the city? 8. What is your dream for the future? 9. What is the future of fashion? 10. A message for the young Polimoda students? Длительность: 1:55
Скриншоты к видео Zhanna Belskaya interview at Polimoda
Пляж Катизма ("там, где сходится горизонт") - представляет из себя 7 км чистейшего, мелкого песка!Один из самых живописных на Лефкаде с кристально чистой голубой водой. Длительность: 7:11
Скриншоты к видео Greece 2010 Lefkada Kathisma beach Photoshow (proshow produser)
Hallo leute ich habe nun einen neuen Channel unzwar Roxor Prod dort kommen nun alle video rein. Da ich aber diesen Channel auch mag (^^) kommen hier nun Promo Videos & auch Nat Длительность: 0:54