Я всю жизнь был несмел, а скорее даже труслив, и от горького сознания этой печальной правды часто делал такие поразительно смелые вещи, что окружающие смотрели на меня как на идиота и боялись со мной дружить. Моей печали никто не видел, а если ее замечали, над ней смеялись во все горло. Моего юмора никто не понимал, а если его понимали, от него плакали и били меня, не сдерживая слез. Tweet it! twitter.com Vkontakte it! vk.com Длительность: 4:02
Видео полностью снято на samsung galaxy note. Запалил и сварил: Александр "BlazeTV" Коряков twitter.com/BlazeTVrussia vkontakte.ru/blazetv Длительность: 2:58
Скриншоты к видео Тимур (Каникулы в Мексике): "3 + и -" в шесть утра.
Music of Zhanna Friske - La La La with pictures of this beautiful woman. Zhanna Friske (Russian: Жанна Фриске, born July 8, 1974 in Moscow, USSR) is a Russian film actress, singer, and socialite. Her notoriety began when she joined the all-girl pop singing group Blestyashchie ("Shining Girls", also known as "The Brilliants") some time at the end of the 1990s, which she left in 2003. Friske soon embarked on a solo career as a singer and an actress, and occasional model, and keeps enjoying strong media interest. Much of this attention is based on her physical appearance, rumoured relationships, and notable public appearances in risque outfits. Internationally Friske is known for her roles in the films Night Watch and Day Watch as Alisa Donnikova. Although the 20-minute love scene involving Friske was edited from Day Watch by the director, Timur Bekmambetov, she will reappear in the last installment of the trilogy, Final Watch. Her most successful single is "Ya byla", which reached the top of the Russian charts; her album was also a major success reaching the top of all Russian-speaking countries. In 2008 the well-known producer Yosif Prigozhin claimed that Friske was actually born in 1967 and not 1974 as she claims: "Zhanna Friske is forty, but she tells everyone she's thirty-five. Some facts: Name: Zhanna Vladimirovna Kopylova (Жа Длительность: 2:46