1st Lt. Robert Shirkey: The base assistant operations officer. Shirkey also witnessed debris being loaded onto the B-29. "...Standing only three feet from the passing procession, we saw boxes full of aluminum-looking metal pieces being carried to the B-29. Major Marcel came along carrying an open box full of what seemed to be scrap metal. It obviously was not aluminum: it did not shine nor reflect like the aluminum on American military airplanes. And sticking up in one corner of the box being carried by Major Marcel was a small 'I-beam' with hieroglyphic-like markings on the inner flange, in some kind of weird color, not black, not purple, but a close approximation of the two. ...A man in civilian dress... was carrying a piece of metal under his left arm... This piece was about the size of a poster drawing board—very smooth, almost glass-like, with torn edges." Lt. Robert Shirkey: "Standing only three feet from the passing procession, we saw boxes full of aluminum-looking metal pieces being carried to the B-29. ...sticking up in one corner of the box carried by Major Marcel was a small 'I-beam' with hieroglyphic-like markings on the inner flange, in some kind of weird color, not black, not purple, but a close approximation of the two." "I could see the hieroglyphs clearly, the signs were in relief and stood out." Shirkey said there were other flights, another to Fort Worth, and a B-29 flight directly to Wright Field piloted by Henderson. He also said that he later learned <b>...</b> Длительность: 92:11
Скриншоты к видео Roswell Incident: Department of Defense Interviews - Robert Shirkey / Walter Haut
Певица Жанна Фриске в последнее время все чаще видят в компании телеведущего Дмитрия Шепелева. Слухи о романе двух звезд распространяются со скоростью света. Экс-"блестящая" сделала в эфире программы НТВ "Ты не поверишь!" смелое заявление: оказывается, отношения зашли так далеко, что пора регистрировать их официально. И это несмотря на то, что избранник младше певицы на 9 лет! В женихах у... Длительность: 2:49
Скриншоты к видео Жанна Фриске завела молодого ухажера
Google Translate with interpretation. A flirty little song by Zhanna Friske... "Zhanna Friske". Perhaps her signature song? A song with a lot of energy and a great beat. You may find this a little funny but... this is a good song to listen to on a roller coaster. The slow lead-in is perfect for the slow climb to the top, and then off you go. But then the song is about that part of life that can be a bit like a roller coaster ride. Длительность: 3:40
Скриншоты к видео Zhanna Friske - "Zhanna Friske" / "Жанна Фриске" (lyrics & translation)